Aerobic exercise: 15 Cardio Home Workouts and Exercises (that can easily be done in the gym)

Aerobic exercise: 15 Cardio Home Workouts and Exercises (that can easily be done in the gym)

We all hear people talking about home work outs, aerobic workouts, cardio exercises- but what do those terms actually mean?

Home workouts basically explains itself: exercises you can easily do at home with equipment you may have or no equipment what so ever. Aerobic workouts or exercises and cardio, as many people call it, are terms used very loosely, but not always understood. The definition of Aerobic, as is in the oxford dictionary, is anything relating, involving or needing oxygen.

Cardio is just a shortened term for cardiovascular, so cardiovascular exercises is any exercises/workouts that gets your heart rate up, and gets your lungs working harder to get more oxygen in the body. Thus, building up your cardiovascular system to supply oxygen to the body faster when doing activities, such as exercising.

So aerobic exercises are workouts that increase your body’s need for oxygen which then gets your heart pumping and your lungs working harder, therefore, working your cardiovascular system. So aerobic exercises is just a fancy term for cardio workouts.

Aerobic exercises can be low impact (softer on your joint, especially for individuals who may suffer from joint pain or have just started to work out and building their exercise tolerance) or high impact. It can also be high intensity or low intensity, however, if you really want to work your cardio right high intensity cardio exercises is the way to go – it strengthens your heart muscles to pump oxygen faster around the body, building up your resistance and stamina over time. Allowing your body to workout harder for longer, and burning calories doing so.



A list of Low Impact Aerobic exercises are:

  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • And modifies high impact exercises (you can modify just about any high impact exercises and still get the same workout – beneficial to working towards high impact)



A list of High Impact Aerobic Exercises are:

  • Running
  • Dancing
  • Kickboxing
  • Any exercise that requires jumping
  • Any exercises that requires you to put more weight and strain on your joints (High Impact aerobics with weights)

Aerobic workouts can be done just about anywhere and a lot of people prefer doing them at home. They are typically known as ‘cardio workouts at home’. In many cases people usually follow online home workout videos from Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook, even Pinterest can give you a few ideas on what to do for a cardio home workout. You can also build your own cardio workout plan.

Aerobic exercises has so many benefits, it helps build our cardio vascular system (making our lungs and heart stronger), it increases energy levels in the body allowing our body to move more, all the endorphins released help improve over all mood and mind set (helping with feelings of anxiety and managing depression), improving our sleep patterns, reduces stress levels, boosting our self-esteem and best of all, aerobic workouts burns calories which can help us lose weight!

Here is a list of 15 cardio exercises that you can easily do at home and how you can modify them for beginner level and how you can intensify them as you advance, and you can also do them with or without equipment!




Even though most people dislike it, it is a really good exercise that works the entire body using only your body weight, and increases your heart rate up quickly. Burpees is a really good form of cardio exercise, and by doing them regularly you can help build up your power, agility and endurance, as you intensify this exercise.

This exercise can be modified to all levels of fitness, and as you build up your stamina and strength, you can also intensify it.

How to do it:
  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and square off your shoulders. Brace your core tight as you squat down.
  • Optional: You can choose to stay strong in the push up position, basically doing a high plank, or you intensify things by adding a push up on your toes – making sure to keep your elbows slightly close to your body, if your elbows are to flared out that can cause a lot of strain on your joints (wrists, elbows and shoulders).
  • Jump your feet right back in, to the starting position, and standing tall. Some people will lift their arms up overhead to add a bit more intensity. Repeat as many times as you can either using time or reps (on average 10-15reps a set, or 30-40 seconds each set).
  • If you struggle or don’t feel comfortable jumping back then all you do is step your right foot back and then your left foot until your in a push up position. Same goes for jumping back up, just step one foot in at a time, preform it slowly and controlled, making sure to use your muscles to control the movement. You can slowly build up your strength and confidence over time as you continuously preform this exercise. Same goes for the end.
  • If your building up to a conventional push up, you can do so by doing so on your knees, where you lower your knees, brace your core and do a push up – making sure you tuck your pelvic in, your back is straight and that your hands are under your shoulders and elbows close to your body. Depending on the level you maybe, you can lower down into the push-up, lower your knees and push right up, lifting your knees at the end. This is a great way to build up your strength towards doing a full push up.

Burpees can be a high impact exercise, but it can be modified to be low impact. It’s also an amazing full body workout.



Squat Thrusts

Many people assume squats are mostly used for building lower body muscle. This is true, however, incorporating squats into your cardio workout can be a fun way of building your strength, getting your heart pumping and is low impact. Squat Thrusts test your stability and your lower body strength.

How to do it:
  • Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders, your core tight, back flat legs straight and your butt tucked in. You don’t want your butt in the air and your back rounded.
  • Bend your knees to jump your feet forward so that they land on the outer part of your hand.
  • Lift your chest up and hands together at the front of the body, coming into a low squat (or as low as you can go). Making sure your core is braced and your back is flat and not rounded.
  • Then place your hands back, lower your upper body and jump back into your plank position. Repeat the actions again, you can do this using time form or reps (e.g. 30 seconds or 10 reps in a set)
  • Instead of jumping your feet forward and back, you can just move one foot at a time -forward into the low squat and then placing them back into your plank position. You can then incorporate the jumps when you have built a bit more strength.
  • If a low squat is a struggle then you can keep the squat at a level that your body will allow. As you continue to do this exercise the body will adapt and before you know it you will be able to lower your squat.



Squats (Squat Jumps)

As previously mentioned squats are a great exercise to incorporate into your cardio workout. best part is that you can modify them to what ever intensity you want, and it can be low or high impact.

How to do it:
  • Stand with your feet hip width apart, shoulders strong.
  • Many people will have their feet out in a 30-40 degree angle, but you can have your feet angled in which ever way that is comfortable for you.
  • Hold your hands in front of your body, about chest level. This will help you maintain a straight upper body.
  • Keep your back straight, brace your core. Bend your knees and lower your body down. Make sure your upper body stays up straight as you lower keeps lowering as if you were about to sit on a chair.
  • Lower down as far as your body will allow you, make sure your knees don’t bend inwards, and make sure not to round your back. That’s why its important to brace your core and keeping your chest up.
  • And then stand right back up.
  • You can add a jump with hands over head in as you come up to increase the intensity of the exercise. You can also do that by holding onto a weight in front of your body as you squat, you can still add the jump or just stay in place.
  • You can also increase the intensity and keep it low impact by lowering down slowly and then shooting right back up. Again you can add a jump which may make it a bit more of high impact.



Squat Pulses

There are two exercises that can make time stand still – planks and Squat pulses! Low impact but will get your heart racing, and your muscles working.

How to do it:
  • Get into your squat position (as mentioned previously), and lower down.
  • Hold onto that position with good form, and slightly pulse up and down.
  • You hold this pulse for as long as you can. You will feel a burn in your thighs and gluts , but keep pulsing! Your endurance will build up as you continue to do this exercise regularly. Over time you will be able to hold that position and pulse for a longer period of time.

Best part about squats is that it can be an exercise done with just your body weight or you can add on weight and build your strength. The benefits include strengthening your lower body, helping with posture and stability training, and many more. Incorporating a variations of squats into your home cardio circuit will definitely get your cardiovascular system working overtime!



Lunges (Intensify it with Jumping Lunges)

Another lower body exercise that can be modified to be low or high impact, and low or high intensity cardio exercise.

How to do it:
  • Stand with your feet hip width apart, strong upper body (so core braced) and square your hips.
  • Take a step forward with your right foot, bend both knees and lower your body down.
  • As you lower down you make sure that your front knee doesn’t travel to far beyond your ankle as this can put a lot of strain on your joints. Instead, keep your upper body straight and try to keep your right ankle just slightly over your ankle.
  • Stand up and step your right foot back, and step your left foot forward. repeating the action.
  • You can keep the lunges low impact by carrying on alternating between legs.
  • You can intensify it a little by lunging on one leg and completing the reps on one leg and then doing it on the other. This will help build endurance and quickly increase your heart rate.
  • You can intensify it more by incorporating a jump. This is done by getting into a lunge position (as mentioned above), lunging down and then when coming up, you explosively jump up and switch legs. You continue to do this alternating your legs.
  • You can still make this exercise a bit more low impact and intense by simply jumping up slightly as you come up from your lunge and do a few reps on your right leg and then do a few reps on your left leg. So no alternating your legs, the jump and landing is a bit more gentle on your joints but you still get the same intense workout.

Jump lunges are high impact and high intensity, which will work on your strength, power and stability.



Reverse Lunges with Knee Drive

Best thing about lunges, you can do them in a variety of different ways just like squats. Reverse Lunges with knee drive is low impact, full body exercise and you can increase the intensity as you go along, no modifications needed.

How to do it:
  • Similar form to normal lunges, however, you take a step back with your right foot.
  • You lower your body down, and as you come back up you brace your core and bring your right knee up as high as you can can. Basically driving the knee up.
  • Use your arms to help bring a bit more power into the drive. So as you step back with your right leg your right arm goes back and your left arm goes forward and as you drive your knee up your arms alternate – left arm goes back and right arm goes forward. Essentially working your upper body as well.
  • Best way to do this exercise is to focus on one side at a time, and increase the speed you drive your knee and the power as well. This will get your blood flowing and your heart pumping.

Reverse Lunges with Knee Drive is a great way to get a full body exercise only using your body weight.




This exercise will get every part of your body moving, and a fun way to challenge your flexibility and sense of co-ordination. This exercise is low impact and can be slightly modified.

Hot to do it:
  • Start with a neutral standing position, back straight, and brace your core.
  • Take a wide lateral jump to your right side, whilst your left leg crosses behind you staying lifted. Bring your left hand down, touching your shin or your toes depending on your flexibility.
  • Push off your right foot, taking a lateral jump to your left side, whilst your right leg crosses behind you staying lifted and bring your right hand down to your shin or toes.
  • Keep alternating sides for as many seconds or reps.
  • When doing the lateral jumping you can choose to make it a power jump or just a slight jump. Focusing on doing the exercise correctly and then intensifying it to challenge yourself.
  • You can do Skaters with your own body weight or you can add dumbbell weights. You hold the weights and as you lateral jump from side to side you lower the weight down to your shin or toes. This will work harder on your upper body, whilst you use your lower body jumping side to side, and using your core to keep your back straight and flat.

Skaters is a fun way to incorporate every part of the body in one exercise.



Jumping Rope

A fun way of getting your heart rate up! Jumping rope will not only increase your heart rate but it will definitely give your legs a work out. All you need is a skipping rope of any quality.

How to do it:
  • Hold the end of the skipping rope, one in each hand. The rope touching the back of your feet.
  • Keeping your arms and hands close to you, rotate your wrist so the rope goes over your head, to the front of your body.
  • You hop up so the rope goes under your feet (without touching you) and over your head.
  • Repeating the movement for as long as you can. No real moderation need.

A fun form of bodyweight exercise, that anyone in any level can do!



High Knees (Jogging/Marching)

A workout that incorporates core strength and stability. An easy low impact exercise that can be modified to be high or low intensity depending on your fitness level.

How to do it:
  • Neutral standing position.
  • You bend and lift your left knee and bring it up as high as you can, bracing your core.
  • And then change legs, bringing your right knee up whilst bracing your core.
  • You can do this marching on the spot alternating your knees and bracing your core, or you can jog on the spot bringing your knees as high up as you can whilst bracing your core.
  • Marching is lower impact and depending on the speed you are high knee marching, can be classed as high intensity or low intensity.
  • High knee jogging (on the spot) can be classes as a bit more of a higher impact and high intensity exercise.

High knee exercises in both forms, jogging or marching, is really good in helping you build more muscle connection with your core. Helping towards improving your stability.



Jogging In Place

One of the oldest forms of cardio exercises is jogging, but some of us don’t like going outside to jog or going on the treadmill. Jogging in place is a nice way to quickly get your heart rate up. You can incorporate it into your workout as a rest period between sets (so you carry on keeping your heart rate elevated) or have it as its own exercise. All you do is basically hop from foot to foot in one spot – increasing speed will help increase your heart rate.



Jumping Jacks

This exercise can make the fittest of us sweat bullets, High impact and High intensity. Starting in a neutral position you jump your feet out wide and lifting your arms overhead, then jump your feet back in lowering your arms. You repeat this motion within a time frame, e.g. for 30 seconds, or you count how many jumps you do, e.g. 20 jumps a set. Jumping Jacks is a full body exercise and cardio workout that you can do using your own body weight.

You can easily modify Jumping Jacks, lowering the impact and the intensity, by taping your feet out side to side, alternating feet, whilst still lifting your arms overhead. By doing the modification at a good speed and rhythm you can still keep your heart rate high, as if you were doing high intensity Jumping jacks. This can help you build up your stamina to build up the intensity.




This exercise challenges your mental strength as well as your physical strength.

All you need is a mat, you lie down on your stomach, you tuck your elbows under your shoulders, so your elbows are shoulder width apart, you tuck your toes under your feet, you engage your core and lift yourself up. You need to make sure that your pelvic is tucked in so you do not want your butt in the air. You want your back flat, so its best to keep your gaze facing the floor. You need to feel it in your core, and it is okay if you feel it slightly around your back. Your back muscles and core work together to keep you stable so they will work together to keep you up. Hold this position for as long as you can.

  • If you struggle with your upper body strength you can elevate your upper body slightly. This will help take pressure off your shoulders and help build your core strength. You can do this by simply going on a step or using objects such as a yoga blocks, placing your elbows on the step or objects used – essentially an elevated plank that will slowly help you build up your strength.
  • Another modification is to lower your knees. So you would set yourself up into a plank position, lift yourself up and then, with bent knees, lower your knees down and flatten the tops of your feet. You still want your back to be flat, you want your pelvic and butt to be tucks in and you want to feel it in your core.
  • If you struggle with any joint pain or find planks on your elbows uncomfortable you can do a high plank by placing your hands under neither your shoulder and pushing yourself up. You still want your back flat, pelvic and butt tucked in and you want to feel it in your core, however, with a high plank you may feel it in your arms aswell.



Plank Jacks

This is a higher intensity of a plank. You hold a plank either on your elbows, or in a high plank and you hop your feet out and back in during the hold. This is a good way to increase the intensity of a normal plank and build up lower body power and upper body strength.



Plank Shoulder Tap

Another plank exercise, you get yourself into a high plank position, and you use your left hand to tap your right shoulder and your right hand to tap your left shoulder. You continue alternating hands to shoulders for as long as you can hold the plank. Low impact and intensity but gets harder the longer you hold the plank.



Mountain Climbers

This exercise is a workout in it’s self. It incorporates core, upper body strength and lower body agility. Get yourself into a high plank position, with mountain climbers you need to lift your butt up a little but make sure your abs engaged and your back is relatively flat. Holding yourself up you drive your right leg in (knee bent), then back and then you drive your left leg in (knee bent) and then back, You continue alternating legs whilst holding your upper body in the same position. As you drive your leg in you want to squeeze your core. You can do this for a time period (20-30seconds) or count how many times you walk your legs in (20 reps on each side).

No modification needed for Mountain Climbers, simple and easy low impact and you can increase the intensity by increasing the speed in which you drive your legs in.

These exercises can be incorporated into one full cardio workout at home or at the gym, or just add some or all into your fitness routine. These exercises can be modified to be low or high impact, high or low intensity, or to meet your fitness level and what type of exercises you can do (beginner, intermediate or advanced exercise) .

You do your workout at your own pace, and always make sure to be safe, doing the listed exercises in the right form and making sure you push yourself to your achieve your greatest.

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